The High Seat
Races allowed:
Standard Gold
Orders of the
Clergy: Orders of the Wing
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Template by:
Pablo Varando
All written
material ©2000
E. Angelica
Known as the High Seat, Aguilaine is the capital city of
Aguilar. With over thirty-thousand occupants in but one
city it makes for a hustle-bustle lifestyle that is both
distracting and entertaining. Hundreds of different beings
of as many different races walk the cobbled streets of
the City of Life.
It is nicknamed as such due to the fact that it is the
source of all the water flows to the Inner Realms, it is
through the grace of Aguilainian ingenuity that the
water is filtered before it continues down the waterways
to ensure that it is, at least, partially purified before
going to the remainder of Valimoor.
Aguilaine is a port-city located on the westernmost edge
of Valimoor, with the rest of the country of Aguilar
flanking it. It is mostly river-canals and cobblestoned
streets, bridges and arcing footpaths lead the way as well.
But that does not mean that it is devoid of vegetation, all
manner of crepe myrtle and climbing roses, bushes, trees
and other flora festoon the streetways and line the canals.
Aguilaine houses the High Seat, which is the basic ruling
body of all of Aguilar. The High Seat is not only King or
Queen, but Spiritual Advisor as well. Yet, the High Seat
bears no greater title than Lord or Lady. It is only in times
or matters of State that he or she is addressed solely as
the High Seat.
The current High Seat of Aguilaine is a young woman
named Genivere Estulane. She rules in conjunction with
a group of advisors called the Amaranthine Circle. It is she and this group of individuals that govern the State-life of all of Aguilar.